Blood test

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Normal blood sugar/glucose level

Blood test
Normal blood sugar/glucose level
Last update: 02/04/2020

What is the normal blood sugar/glucose level?

Adults: 70-100 mg/dL
Children: 40-100 mg/dL

In the International System of Units (SI), the blood sugar level is measured in mmol/l. The normal blood sugar level in the SI is:

Adults: 3.9 mmol/l-5.6 mmo/l
Children: 2.2 mmol-5.6 mmol/l

Why normal levels can differ across different labs?

Each laboratory must establish its own normal ranges for blood sugar. These ranges depend on the makeup of the local population, the technologies used and the accuracy of the measurement. There may be also slight differences in the normal levels according to age, gender, race or ethnic origin, geographic region, diet, type of sample and other relevant status.

Your doctor will study the results along with your medical record, screenings, physical condition, symptoms and any other relevant information about your situation.

What is the role of glucose or blood sugar?

Glucose is the main sugar found in the blood. Glucose is also the human body's major source of energy. The food we eat is converted after several processes into glucose that will be used by our body's cells.

Therefore, the tissues of the body use the glucose as an energy source in conjunction with oxygen from breathing.

The blood glucose level is also called the blood sugar level. Insulin hormone regulates the blood sugar level. Insulin is a hormone secreted by the pancreas.

What is the purpose of a blood sugar/glucose test?

The main purpose of this test is to measure the amount of sugar (glucose) in your blood. This procedure may help diagnose diabetes.

The main cause for a high sugar level in the blood (hyperglycemia) is diabetes. Hyperglycemia may suggest also the risk for developing diabetes in the future.

A low sugar level in the blood (hypoglycemia) may suggest an excessive release of insulin by the pancreas or an abuse of anti-diabetic drugs if you suffer from diabetes.

Where can I find more information about the blood sugar/glucose level?

You can visit our pages about:

Which values are considered a normal sugar/glucose level in the blood?

The following values are considered to be normal values:

IMPORTANT: These levels are expressed in mg/dl. They are an example of a healthy man of about 45 years of age with no known disease and not taking any medication. The ranges can be different depending on the laboratory or on your personal circumstances.

Blood Sugar
70 mg/dl71 mg/dl72 mg/dl73 mg/dl74 mg/dl75 mg/dl76 mg/dl77 mg/dl
78 mg/dl79 mg/dl80 mg/dl81 mg/dl82 mg/dl83 mg/dl84 mg/dl85 mg/dl
86 mg/dl87 mg/dl88 mg/dl89 mg/dl90 mg/dl91 mg/dl92 mg/dl93 mg/dl
94 mg/dl95 mg/dl96 mg/dl97 mg/dl98 mg/dl99 mg/dl100 mg/dl 
Medically reviewed by Javier Muga Bustamante Ph.D. on 02/04/2020


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  • Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events (CTCAE). Version 5.0.Published: November 27, 2017. U.S. Department of health and human Services. Available on:

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